Our London Adventure – Pt 1

As anyone who has read my blog knows, Mummy and I do enjoy a good adventure.  We also like stage shows.  We do like food too.  So when we go off adventuring and it includes not only a show but yummy eats too, we feel like we have hit the jackpot! One such trip was…

Pure Anger

There was a Facebook post the other day that asked what the first item of news is that you remember.  My family never had the news on very much.  Mum doesn’t like that kind of negativity in the house.  But I do remember the case of James Bulger.  I doubt anyone in the UK could…

Sticks and stones

We are all told that little rhyme when we are growing up. It’s meant to keep us safe from mean words.  Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.  It’s great in theory but it’s a lie. Words can hurt horrendously.  It’s an obvious thing really. Don’t use the n-word…

True Hollywood Horror Stories

Anyone who has seen a newspaper, a news website, heard the news on the radio, or seen a tv screen with the news playing will know that there has been a bit of a scandal in Hollywood this week. Harvey Weinstein, a big name in both tv and movies, has been accused of sexually harassing…

London Will NEVER Fall

I have so many words today that this could be a jumbled mess that I never remember the actual starting point for.  On the plus side it won’t be as bad as it could be as it’s first thing in the morning and so there is no wine involved. I was sat on my couch last…

Naughty, naughty!

I was having a little shuffle through Instagram this lunch time and found an account full of other peoples pictures, including mine.  What was even more cheeky is that they had listed my recipe and claimed it as their own. Now, I’m not a vain person and I don’t do this to collect followers or get…

Letter of Complaint

Dear Reel Cinemas / Dubai Mall Platinum Movie Suites, Since your manager failed to call me back for a discussion, I am writing to you via social media because I am still quite disappointed at my experience with you last weekend. The Boy and I came to watch “Allied” with you, and decided to make it…

Armchair Detectives

I break with my catch up for an up to date event, because I have words in my head that I need to use up! Last night The Boy and I ended up watching the new Amanda Knox documentary on Netflix. We have always both been interested true crime type things, and so the odd…

Complete Cupcake Catastrophe

(Yes… I am apparently very much enjoying all the alliterations at the moment!!) Months back I put out a plea on Facebook for someone to come with me to a cake decorating class I had found.  I didn’t think it would be The Boy’s cup of tea (although after actually discussing it with him, he…

Olympic Sized Objections to the Media

I feel a rant coming on. In case you’ve been living in a cave in the remote mountains of Outer Mongolia, you will know that the Olympics is on.  I have zero interest.  I never have, and unless I am invited to join Prince William and Prince Harry for a day, the likelihood of me…