Complete Cupcake Catastrophe

(Yes… I am apparently very much enjoying all the alliterations at the moment!!)

Months back I put out a plea on Facebook for someone to come with me to a cake decorating class I had found.  I didn’t think it would be The Boy’s cup of tea (although after actually discussing it with him, he would have given it a shot if I wanted him too – he’s an angel!) and so I thought that someone must be as excited by me at the prospect of learning to pretty up cakes.  I was right… my friend Claire did!

We were so excited we booked with Cake Story straight away, despite it being a good 2 months in advance of the class date.  We chose their giant cup cake class, and had plans to participate in more going forward.  I thought I had found my heaven.


(Why does there always have to be a but?)

A couple of weeks before the class we decided to get back in contact with Cake Story to reconfirm our booking.  I sent off an email, and heard absolutely nothing.

A week before our class our email was still unanswered.  Instead I rang both the mobile and the landline numbers provided on their website.  Nothing.  The landline sounded like it had been cut off and the mobile had a message in Arabic which started as soon as it connected.

Things were not looking good.

I kept trying the numbers over a couple of days, and eventually got through on the mobile number.  I spoke to the same lady I had talked with when I was inquiring about the class.  I know it was despite not knowing her name due to the screaming child in the background.  It sounded like absolute chaos there, so I was happy when she suggested she called me back in an hour when she had time to check everything.

An hour later there was no call.  Nor was there for another 24hrs.

We decided to give it one last ditch attempt at confirming this class which we so wanted to do.  I called and called the mobile number again and got nothing.  I tried from both my mobile and my office phone.  Nothing.

The following day, my work phone rings.  I answer and am greeted with a very aggressive “hello”.  I repeat my official work telephone answering sentence, hear a baby let out a huge scream and then the phone goes dead.  I tried to call back but the number sounded like it had been disconnected again.

We decided to give it up and wash our hands of the whole sorry mess.  Thankfully we hadn’t put any money down.

I cannot tell you how disappointed I am with this ridiculous situation.  There isn’t much like this in Dubai (although we have found another class which we hope to take soon), and I was so excited at all of the different classes I could take.

I had planned on working my way through the individual classes and then taking on the 12-class course if I had the hang of things.  At AED 500 a class, and goodness only knows how much for the course, these people have lost a lot of money.  If they continue to behave in this ridiculous fashion, they will lose their business entirely.

Dubai really needs things like this so I truly hope that either a) they get their act together and start behaving professionally, or b) someone else realises what a great opportunity this is and starts their own business offering the same.

Sadly, I hope its the latter as I am completely over Cake Story.

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